The Infrastructure Show's Episodes
With Host Professor Joseph Schofer of Northwestern University.
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Los Angeles Metroliner at a station
(click for larger image)
Advances in Bus Rapid Transit
Posted March 26, 2018, Length: 21:46
Urban mobility and traffic congestion present challenges to cities around the world. Many modes and service concepts are intended to meet these mobility needs. Bus rapid transit, BRT, is a competitive option because of its service quality and capacity, as well as its potential to be less costly than fixed rail transit options. To learn about the promise and delivery of BRT in the US and around the world, we talk with Samuel Zimmerman, an experienced transportation planner, a consultant to the World Bank, and an expert on bus rapid transit.
The Infrastructure Show is sponsored by Northwestern University.
Descriptions of photos at top of page, from left to right:
Bayonne Bridge, from Bayonne, NJ to Staten Island, NY;
the Tom Moreland Interchange in Atlanta, GA;
Dworshak Dam, in Clearwater County, ID;
a transmission substation in Orem, UT.
All photos courtesy of Wikipedia.