The Infrastructure Show's Episodes
With Host Professor Joseph Schofer of Northwestern University.
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How Carmel, Indiana became the “Roundabout Capital of the U.S.”
Posted January 24, 2014, Length: 20:21
Carmel, Indiana, a city of about 83,000 people located directly to the north of Indianapolis, has become informally known as “The Roundabout Capital of the U.S.” because of its embrace of the roundabout, a traffic concept more commonly found in Britain. Carmel has become a city nearly free of conventional four-way intersections, which means it is also nearly free of stop signs and traffic lights. At these roundabouts, traffic flows continuously, in one direction, around circular islands. The hosts discuss why the city has adopted this design – and what characteristics of the city have made the changes possible –with Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard, the man who made the roundabouts happen.
The Infrastructure Show is sponsored by Northwestern University.
Descriptions of photos at top of page, from left to right:
Bayonne Bridge, from Bayonne, NJ to Staten Island, NY;
the Tom Moreland Interchange in Atlanta, GA;
Dworshak Dam, in Clearwater County, ID;
a transmission substation in Orem, UT.
All photos courtesy of Wikipedia.