The Infrastructure Show's Episodes
With Host Professor Joseph Schofer of Northwestern University.
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Photo of the I-95 bridge rebuild courtesy of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation
(click for larger image)
PennDOT Rebuilds I-95 with Recycled Bottles in 12 Days
Posted October 1, 2023, Length: 24:22
On June 11, 2023, a gasoline truck caught fire under I-95 in Philadelphia, essentially melting a major section of the primary roadway through the center of the Northeast Corridor. Facing what looked like a months-long reconstruction process, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation assembled a quick action team to implement an extraordinary repair effort, built on interagency cooperation and a unique recycled material, restoring I-95 to full use in only 12 days.
Telling us about this quick rebuild is Lou Belmonte, District Executive for the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
The Infrastructure Show is sponsored by Northwestern University.
Descriptions of photos at top of page, from left to right:
Bayonne Bridge, from Bayonne, NJ to Staten Island, NY;
the Tom Moreland Interchange in Atlanta, GA;
Dworshak Dam, in Clearwater County, ID;
a transmission substation in Orem, UT.
All photos courtesy of Wikipedia.